虚拟学校适合我的孩子吗? 参加测试.

Parents helping their child with an online school assignment.

由于疫情,全国各地的家庭都尝到了在线学习的滋味, and recent studies have shown that virtual schools are here to stay. 许多第一次接触网络学校的家长更有可能继续在线教育,而不是在线教育. 公立学校. 

The reasons for making the switch are numerous; for many families, 在线学校提供了一个理想的混合最好的质量的实体学校和家长主导的家庭教育的最好的质量, while also personalizing the experience to the stu窝ts’ individual needs. 然而,选择在线学校是一个重大的决定,可能会影响到整个家庭.  

So, you may be wondering, “Is virtual school right for my child?” Here at 推荐正规买球平台®, we have become the experts in all things virtual school. 自2002年开业以来(尽管是虚拟的), we have learned a lot about what kinds of stu窝ts thrive in an online school and why.  




1. 你的学生的学习空间是什么样的?

a. 他们有办公室, 窝, 或者其他远离家庭干扰的房间,有台式电脑或笔记本电脑和互联网连接.
b. 一台笔记本电脑和互联网连接,你的学生将使用在任何房间学习的房子.
c. 在家中常用的区域,如家庭活动室,安装一台台式电脑和互联网连接.
d. We’re on the go a lot but have frequent access to a computer and connection to the internet.

2. 你的日常安排是怎样的?

a. 灵活且相当开放——我经常在一天中有一些空闲时间与我的学生互动和交流.
b. Busy, but not overwhelming—I have time throughout the day to check in with my stu窝t.
c. Busy/Nonstop—I always have something to do and somewhere to be.
d. I work full-time and will not be able to support my stu窝t while I’m working.

3. What is the Mostly A's reason why you’re interested in virtual school for your stu窝t?

a. 我的学生目前没有受到足够的挑战,或者没有得到他们在学校成功和发展所需的个性化关注.
b. 我担心我们现在的学校环境的安全,以及这种环境可能对我的学生产生的负面影响. 
c. 我想更多地参与我的学生的学习,因为他们需要更多的个人支持和指导.
d. Our lifestyle and current situation require a more flexible schedule. 

4. Which of the following statements best describes your stu窝t’s learning style?

a. My stu窝t is self-motivated, organized, and can work well both indepen窝tly and with others. They are focused on their goals and can chart their own path to the future.
b. 我的学生很随性,有时会失去注意力. They may need motivation and support to stay on track with their learning.
c. 我的学生很有动力,但确实需要个人支持来集中精力完成任务,记住课程的截止日期和截止日期.
d. My stu窝t thrives in group settings and learns best through visual learning.

5. As a parent what is your Mostly A's concern about enrolling your stu窝t in virtual school?

a. 我不确定在线学校是否能提供高质量的教育, accredited curriculum that will challenge my stu窝t and meet state guidelines for graduation.
b. I’m worried my child will miss interacting with other stu窝ts and won’t experience fun, adventurous learning activities like extracurricular activities, 俱乐部, 实地考察旅行, 学校活动.
c. 我担心我要花多少时间来支持我的在线学校的学生.
d. I’m just not sure my stu窝t will be successful or happy in online school.

Mostly A's

If most of your answers were A’s, your stu窝t will most likely thrive in virtual school! 我们知道你还想权衡你的选择, 但是根据你的回答, your stu窝t has a great space in your home to engage in learning. 你也在以正确的心态对待在线学校,并出于正确的理由考虑虚拟学校. 你的学生学习的特点将有助于他们在网上学校取得成功. 找到您附近的连接学院,查看注册清单,立即开始流程.


如果你的答案都是B, virtual school could be the right solution for your stu窝t and family. 你可能有一个理想的学习空间和适当的时间来支持你的学生在网上学校的成功, 但是为了给你的学生最好的成功机会,你可能要考虑对其他因素做一些调整. 在做出推荐正规买球平台虚拟学校的最终决定之前,最好做更多的研究或与当前推荐正规买球平台的家长交谈. 


如果大多数答案都是c, 你可能需要调整家庭生活方式或环境的某些方面,以帮助你的学生在虚拟学校取得成功. Your stu窝t may have trouble focusing on their coursework in your home study environment. There are simple adaptations that can be made to better support your stu窝t. 你可以找到更多推荐正规买球平台建立家庭学习空间帮助学生取得成功的信息, 以及组织技巧,帮助你的学生在连接学院正规买球十大平台中心保持正轨. 也, 如果你有其他的义务,可能会妨碍你完全支持你的学生,让他们保持积极性, you could consider sharing Learning Coach duties with another trusted adult. 和, 如果有一台可靠的电脑是一个问题, 检查一下你所在州的在线学校是否会提供电脑给你的学生使用——有些会的, 所以不要害怕去问!


如果你选择的大部分都是D,我们鼓励你多做一些推荐正规买球平台在线学校如何运作的研究. 像连接学院这样的虚拟课程提供严格的学术课程,需要动力, 组织, 以及学习教练和学生的合作. 为成功做好准备很重要! 如果你有其他问题, check out our frequently asked questions to find the answers you need.


推荐正规买球平台 has been transforming the learning experience for over 20 years. 美国各地的学生都收到了一份有影响力的, high-quality online education where they—and their family—benefit from:  

  • A flexible curriculum that uniquely blends online instruction, 离线课程, 以及社交和情感学习.  异常, highly skilled teachers who provide individual attention and support every step of the way.   
  • The ability to socialize with other incredible stu窝ts through online 俱乐部, 现场活动, and 实地考察旅行 that connect peers and turn classmates into friends.  
  • 有机会加入一个紧密联系的社区,每天都有很棒的父母参与孩子的学习.  




From dreamers to doers and from quiet thinkers to outgoing explorers, 连接学院的每个学生都是独一无二的. 当您的孩子在我们的在线公立学校注册时, 他们将得到个性化的关注,重点是培养他们的优势,帮助他们应对可能面临的任何挑战.  

当在线教育做得好, it can make a world of difference for stu窝ts with a wide range of abilities, 利益, 和背景, 包括:  

  • 学业优等生 谁想自己学习, 更快的学习速度,并获得在当地学校可能不容易获得的课程.g., foreign languages and AP®* courses or STEM, gifted and talented, or music and arts programs).  
  • 专注于职业的学生 who are on a path to gain real-world skills through career and technical education courses.   
  • 寻求安全和支持性学习环境的学生 to learn free from the distractions found in brick-and-mortar schools.  
  • 以前在家上学的学生 who are ready to transition from parent-directed learning to teacher-directed learning, 但仍然需要父母和家人的支持. 
  • 有日程安排需要的学生 who require a more flexible learning environment during the school day to support their health, 作为学生运动员进行训练, 或者追求艺术.  
  • 有学习需要的学生 谁需要从经验丰富的老师那里得到更多的一对一的关注,从参与其中的家长或学习教练那里得到更多的鼓励.  
  • 大学预科学生 who are seeking the rigor and dedicated support to achieve their post-graduation goals.   


为父母, virtual school isn’t too different from what brick-and-mortar school is like, 但有一个例外. 在连接学院, 我们鼓励家长在孩子的教育中发挥作用,成为学习教练:  

  • 让学生一整天都有动力.  
  • 组织学校一天的安排.  
  • Monitor the stu窝t’s progress by working closely with their teachers.  

成为孩子的学习教练, 你可以把一笔小的投资(插入链接到这里的“在职父母”文章)变成个性化的投资, 教育经验.  


When parents and stu窝ts make the 切换到虚拟学校ing, 整个家庭都得到了回报.  


  • 更积极地参与学生的教育.  
  • 更强的能力调整学生的学习环境和时间表,以结合家庭的优先事项和价值观. 
  • More visibility into stu窝t performance and how their child learns.   


  • One-on-one attention and the ability to work at their own pace.  
  • 更灵活地选择学习时间和地点.  
  • 由受过特殊训练的教师制定个性化学习计划,帮助他们成长并实现目标.  
  • Real-world skills and confi窝ce to take on whatever comes next after graduation.  





