由于疫情,全国各地的家庭都尝到了在线学习的滋味, and recent studies have shown that virtual schools are here to stay. 许多第一次接触网络学校的家长更有可能继续在线教育,而不是在线教育. 公立学校.
The reasons for making the switch are numerous; for many families, 在线学校提供了一个理想的混合最好的质量的实体学校和家长主导的家庭教育的最好的质量, while also personalizing the experience to the stu窝ts’ individual needs. 然而,选择在线学校是一个重大的决定,可能会影响到整个家庭.
So, you may be wondering, “Is virtual school right for my child?” Here at 推荐正规买球平台®, we have become the experts in all things virtual school. 自2002年开业以来(尽管是虚拟的), we have learned a lot about what kinds of stu窝ts thrive in an online school and why.